How Common Is It To Be So Fatiqued A Year Out That It's Everything You Can Do To Work, 9 Hr Day, And Come Home And Be In Bed 2 Hours Later?
I was like that before I had bc. A 9 hour day is the work day but what about before work? I am up by 3 am -shower, do some house stuff, make sure my husband has some breakfast made, take the dog out, etc. Leave at 5:30 am and at work at 6:00 am. Get home from work around 4:30 PM. and I am ready to lie in bed around 6:30 PM.
You work a long day--no doubt you are tired. I think it is normal. But maybe not for you.
I am five years out from BMX, chemo, rads and still on an aromatase inhibitor. Just this winter I turned the corner and feel like my precancerous self in terms of energy and strength- it can take quite a long time. I will say the cognitive fog persists, but is less so.
I had surgery and 4 weeks of radiation after. It took about 9 months for my fatigue to finally go away. The emotional after effects of a cancer diagnosis and treatment can also cause fatigue. My cancer center has health psychologists available for counseling and I highly recommend it.
I don't know, but rest when you can and take it easy on the weekend, that's what I do. I think that 5 year mark is also about our bodies becoming our own again
I fight to wake up at 5, be at work at 8. Work as a high energy telephone recruiter till 5 and am in bed at 7:30. I'm always exhausted. I used to be the energizer bunny and go mode was my only speed. Now I can't hardly function and it takes everything I have to just do my job.
How long does it take for normal energy levels to come back?
How Common Is It To Be So Fatiqued A Year Out That It's Everything You Can Do To Work, 9 Hr Day, And Come Home And Be In Bed 2 Hours Later?
Fatigue & Tiredness
Since All The Chemo And Radiation And Reconstruction Have No Kinda Sex Want. Any Ideas How To Get It Back.