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Does Anyone Else Have Friends That Either Treat You Like You're Dying Or That Stage 1 Breast Cancer Is No Big Deal?

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question 💭
Rock Island, IL

I have some friends that have absolutely driven me crazy! All through diagnosis and treatment, a couple acted like I was on the verge of death and it irritated the heck out of me! One compared my cancer to a friend's uterine cancer and the pain from her hysterectomy! Then, I had one who actually said, "oh stage one is barely even cancer!" I know this was just their way of dealing with my diagnosis and I get that. But did this happen to any of you?

August 17, 2019
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A MyBCTeam Member

Hi Margo,
Catherine is right, cancer is a big deal no matter what the stage. The reactions that you have gotten are not A typical. Most people just don’t know enough about cancer to make a comment that would actually be beneficial. I choose to believe that most people mean no harm, so I give them the benefit of the doubt.

August 17, 2019
A MyBCTeam Member

A few of my closest friends kind of disappeared when I was diagnosed. Im 32 and was 31 at the time of my dx. I think it scared a lot of my friends, but i really could have used their support- even just a quick ‘hey, how are you, im thinking of you’ text. Other people, who I didnt expect, really stepped up to the plate. People handle things in different ways. Try to focus on you

August 18, 2019
A MyBCTeam Member

I had DCIS Stage ZERO. And, despite my attitude, Stage ZERO IS cancer! Any confirmed diagnoses of cancer IS cancer. Cancer at any stage is life threatening regardless of the immediacy of the threat. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to correct the kind of stupidity some people have shown you. What they're really saying is, "I am ignorant and lack compassion." You hang in there, girl, there are millions of people, men and women, out here who understand, have compassion for and support you. You will never meet the vast majority of us, but we are on your side.

August 17, 2019
A MyBCTeam Member

I had stage 3. Had a friend stage 1. Had 2 friends stage 2. Cancer is cancer. There are no comparisons. Cancer is horrible for everyone - thank God it is no longer an auto death sentence for anyone.

October 8, 2019
A MyBCTeam Member

My MIL survived Stage 3 about 5 years ago, and I've already gotten am earful about how "lucky" I am (lucky that I probably only need radiation with no chemo; lucky that my husband is with me, since FIL was in assisted living for Alzheimer's when she had treatment; lucky that I am younger than she was when she was diagnosed...) I know I have a good prognosis and that many are facing much more than I am, but I don't feel particularly lucky right now.

On the flip side, some other members of the family are SOOO over the top with the gushing about how brave I am and how I need to not worry about how scary this must be. Sure, I'm a little scared, but mostly their drama makes me feel like they expect comfort from me!

September 7, 2019

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