Help With Finding Moisturizer And Make Up!
I am looking for a facial moisturizer without paraben. I'm also looking for a good line of make up products without bad chemicals. How long did it take you to get your eye brows and eye lash back?? Thank you pink sister's đź©·
Hi CarolLynnBraswell:
Thank you so much about bringing up the message about paraben in makeup.
Makeup is not regulated for any toxic items in the US.
Check your deodorant too to make sure it has no aluminum which is not good or even mineral oil that depletes vitamins.
Now I am going to check my makeup and hope that my favorite foundation is ok...
My cancer is HER2+, so no hormones involved- so the doctors just say I was exposed to "something", they don't know what- at "sometime"- can't say when, that caused the initial mutations in the cells- so yes, I have been taking a closer look at what goes on my skin, etc. After all, if medicines can be absorbed through the skin, we need to give more thought to what we put on ourselves.
Try this link, the Environment Working Group, EWG checks various products and gives them scores- and explains why a particular ingredient may be something to avoid. Of course, they can't test everything- but they also have guides that you can download, so you can check for ingredients to avoid on your own.
They are a non-profit, and their entire site is worth checking out:
Hi sister. Great question! Before I was diagnosed I started my journey for healthy, clean products not knowing what was to come… I downloaded 2 apps that I scan all food & beauty products with; “YUKA” & “Think Dirty”. If you search for “vegan makeup” online or in social media you will find clean products, reviews, etc... I would search for tags such as “cancer makeup”, “vegan makeup”, “clean makeup”, and “clean long-lasting makeup”. There are some products from mainstream companies that are a little more clean that’s why I use the apps to scan. I took a picture so you can see the apps! I hope this helps. Please share which products you find and your thoughts on them. I will be doing the search soon, too! Blessings!
Alba is one line that makes paraban free moisterizers. There's a group called Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and Environmental Working Group -EWG- that has recommendations. Your local Whole Foods may have safe, chem free products.
I wish on the eyebrows and eyelashes- but that's ok, I got pretty good at drawing in the eyebrows, and I use an eyeliner, I'm allergic to most adhesives so I am reluctant to try false eyelashes. Besides with age, my eyes have become hooded, so it would probably look like I had a couple of centipedes trapped!
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