Side Effects On Phesgo Without Chemo
Has anyone taken Phesgo (herceptin + prejeta) as maintenance shot for a year after chemo? If so, what kind of side effects do you encounter? Loss of taste? Do your hair grow back during these shots?
In order to get my 5th one, I had to get a platelet infusion, and when I came back for the last one, my numbers were borderline- but since it was just a few days before the end of school, and I promised I would be resting full time, very soon, they went ahead with it.. Out of my 6 sessions, two were postponed by a week because of low red blood cells and platelets.
But once the chemo was over, everything started clearing itself up- When school started back in August I still had Herceptin to take until the end of January- and I ALMOST felt guilty about taking the whole day off from work because, it was a very quick session (usually less than an hour) and I felt really good after! Better days are around the corner!! Hugs!!
Thank you! @A MyBCTeam Member!
This is so encouraging! Going for my 5th round next Monday.. counting down to my last!
Did your last 2 gets harder than the first few or pretty much the same?
I did 6 sessions of chemo (Taxotere, Carboplatin, Herceptin), then Herceptin for the remainder of the year. It took about a month after the end of chemo to really feel like I had permanently turned the corner on fatigue! The Heceptin only was so much easier- and yes, my hair did grow back while I was on Herceptin only. It is the chemo that is designed to zap the cancer cells that was the culprit for fatigue (it was decimating my red blood cells/ platelets), nosebleeds, hair loss, taste and smell changes, etc. It all started improving once chemo was over. Hang in there!
I would like to know as well.. I thought these side effects were mostly due to the chemo drugs that kill rapid growth cells like hair and salivary glands
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