Been On Tamoxifen For A Wants To Switch Me To Letrozole.feel Letrazole Side Effects Are Alarming.tolerating Tamoxifen Fine.ty
Thank you for thankful for the feedback re: my letrazole concerns
I have been on Letrozole for 2 months now and it has been very tolerable. I will get slight nausea if I havent eaten when I take it, but really no other significant side effects. Good luck!
Thank you
Thanks Sharon. Increased effectiveness makes sense. Besides Letrozole being in a different drug class it is a much newer drug.
I am on Xgeva instead of Zometa.
He feels letrazole is more effective in preventing a reoccurrence.thank you for your view on any chance are you on zometra to prevent bone loss?
Over Scanning
UTI And Letrozole And Back Pain
I Am Being Take Off Letrozole And Changed To Aromasin. I Am Worried About Side Effects