Anybody Have Issues, During Or After Chemo, Feeling Like They Have ADD? Suddenly I Can't Stay Focused On Any Project.
Good morning 🌄 KimBriana. During my radiation treatments I did experience not able to remember. I almost fainted twice. I've been on Anastrozole for over a year now no trouble with memory, no bad side effects. I thank God daily.
Definitely during chemo- I felt like I could only hold two things in my brain, add a third, and one of the others is gone! It was very frustrating, as I could usually keep track of the family's fast food orders, and add it up in my head, or not have to write a grocery list- and suddenly, I can't remember why I went into the kitchen. It did get better after chemo- Until then Post it Notes, or the Notes app on my phone were a big help! As far as at home, I figure that is God just making sure I get my steps in since I had to retrace my steps so often! Hang in there! Hugs!
@A MyBCTeam Member, did you take Anastrozole while doing radiation? I understand some oncologists don't want you on the pill during treatment. I need to reach out to oncologist and see what he wants me to do.
Oh I’m a mess 🤣 my family’s getting used to it though
@A MyBCTeam Member
The medical oncologist wanted me to start an AI during radiation and I refused.
Do your research. Consider your age and other health issues that may in themselves impact the radiation therapy treatments.
I started the AI about 18 days after radiation therapy.
Get a 2nd opinion on starting if necessary.
We each know our own bodies and what we can deal with.
Need Feedback. Did Anyone Have Family Members Visit During Their Radiation Therapy On A Weekend?
Wondering How You All Handle Events (concerts, Restaurants, Parties) Or People Wanting To Give Hugs While On Chemo? Thanks In Advance!
My Nail Beds Hurt Really Bad From Chemo. I Am On The Every 3 Week Treatment.