After The 2nd Chemo Treatment, Did You Start To Fill Sick To Your Stomach, Nausea Weight Loss? I Haven't Had Any Of Those Symptoms Yet.
Fingers crossed that the good luck continues! I had a few tummy flutters, but never any real nausea and vomiting. I lost weight, but it was due to things not tasting/smelling appealing and me trying to make healthier choices. Keeping you in prayers that your protocols continue to treat you kindly! Hugs!
Thank you for your answer and taking time to answer my question 💗
I didn't have any issues with chemo except hair loss and some skin issues. I was on one chemo drug once a week low dosage that might be why I didn't have any stomach sickness, nausea. I learned in chemo that everyone prescribed chemo is different so people are affected differently. I was so naive I thought one chemo drug was used for everything (smh) what we don't know until we are faced with it ourselves. Best wishes to you!! 🙏🏿
Thank you 💗
It's common to experience nausea, vomiting, and weight loss during chemotherapy, but not everyone will have these side effects. Nausea and vomiting can start immediately after treatment or be delayed by 24 hours, lasting a few days. Weight loss can occur due to taste changes, loss of appetite, and nausea. If you haven't Show Full Answer
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