I Have Had 3 Reoccurrences In Both Breasts. Resulting In Double Mastectomies. The Latest Is In October 2024. 3 IDC And One ILDC.
My question is has insurance covered (MEDICARE) weight loss medication for hormone receptive cancers with woman who have an over 30 BMI (4 occurrences three in the last 3 years.
My primary told me Medicare will not approve any drug for weight loss that isn’t labeled a weight loss drug. (They do have a couple) I was paying $125 out of pocket biweekly for majourno compounded with B12 through a weight loss clinic. I stopped taking it after 3 months because of the cost and a couple of the side effects. It did work though I lost 25 lbs in 3 months. I’ve continued to diet and to date have lost 56 lbs total. My BMI is 26.6 I need it below 25 We all know obesity is one of the leading causes of breast cancer
I think so, I asked my oncologist at my last visit and she said to ask my general practitioner. I’m on tamoxifen, had bc in both breasts within a year, estrogen fed, and have gained 25 pounds since 2021. I’m going to ask my gp at my next visit in Feb., it’s counterproductive to be on the tamoxifen that puts weight on you and fat (the extra weight) is where estrogen is produced. So many side effects too. Good luck to you! 🤞
I've never used weight loss drugs, but was curious to know if some insurance cover the expense. My question was did anyone's doctor's advise/agree that Anastrazole or other hormone inhibitors taken after chemo, radiation, etc. can contribute to weight gain/slow metabolism.
Weight loss meds do come with side effects of their own.
The first week I had no appetite I had to set my watch to remind myself to eat.
I think it’s important that while under treatment you eat the right foods for nutrition as well as foods that fight inflammation and plenty of anti oxidants. I understand what you’re saying about weight gain because it’s a major reason I won’t take them. I’ve lost 56 lbs since last February. I was using weight loss meds for 3 months and lost 25 lbs. After I stopped I continued to diet and lost 31 more Good luck. Weight loss has been my biggest struggle all my life
Hi Ladies,
I've been taking Anastrazole since June 2023 & my MIL since 2021.
I see these comments about hormone blocking medications & whether insurance will cover weight-loss medications. I'm curious if your Oncologists advised the hormone inhibitors can increase weight gain. I've received different answers, but one did advise it may slow down my metabolism.
Re: ILC Breast Cancer. Have You Had Any Follow Up MRI’s Yearly After Surgery?
From Detection Date HER 2 Score 3+. Breast Cancer And Start Of Treatment. Time Frame. How Long?
How Many Have ILC And What Was Done ? How Many Needed A 2nd Surgery To Clear Margins?