This May Sound Like A Silly Question But Is Yogurt & Kefir Beneficial For Cancer Patients Or Not A Good Idea?
I’ve read several opposing opinions regarding cancer patients temporarily on chemotherapy (IV or oral) and patients living with cancer and on continuous medication eating yogurt or drinking kefir with probiotics. One camp states how good it is for cancer patients in keeping their microbiome & good bacteria at an essential level and the other camp states No! Cancer patients should stay clear of yogurt, kefir, probiotic supplements due to their immunocompromised system as digesting them will bring… read more
Just like anything- there are varying degrees of being immunocompromised, I am not a fan of kefir, but I ate yogurt throughout and beyond chemo. It helps with my gut health, and since a lot of dairy does not agree with my Crohn's, for me, that and some cheeses are my dairy go-to. Ask your oncologist if they see a problem with it- if they give you the greenlight, go-for-it!! Hugs!
Nonmi, you and i must be reading the same articles. I eat yogurt all the time as well.. each person has to decide what is best fir them. Good luck to all of you! Happy Saturday!
I drink a probiotic shake (Activia) every morning on the advice of my oncologist. It has helped my digestive issues tremendously.
@A MyBCTeam Member - I’ve been eating yogurt & drinking kefir for years, cancer or no cancer. My confusion comes from articles I’ve read where the information / advice is completely opposite. Even the AI response on here is yes! those products are great but hmmmm…maybe stay away 🙃 I don’t think yogurt / kefir would cause infection or sepsis but if someone’s system is immunocompromised from whatever drug a person is taking, then probiotics may be an issue or it may be a good thing. The confusion comes from not being clear which way to go 😊
I think you’re fine with those unless maybe you have a clear blood test where your white blood cells sink to the bottom. But in general, I doubt good bacteria would create sepsis, unless of course you have a leaky gut from chemo. But that seems a bit out there in my opinion. I have yet to hear of a person getting sepsis from yoghurt. I think it would be rather from chemo!
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